速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / Malta Goes Rural

Malta Goes Rural





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Malta Goes Rural(圖1)-速報App

‘Malta Goes Rural’ is a mobile tool that can be used to discover some of the most beautiful rural areas of the Maltese Islands, while helping to raise awareness and appreciation of the natural and rustic environments. Users are able to select from a list of available nine walks and follow the route on the map. The app allows users to locate landmarks and points of interest along each route. The app also allow users to take images using their mobile device and share them on Facebook. Users are also able to rate the walk.

Malta Goes Rural(圖2)-速報App


Malta Goes Rural(圖3)-速報App

Malta Goes Rural hi applikazzjoni li hi aċċessibbli minn fuq il-mowbajl u li biha tista’ tiskopri wħud mill-isbaħ postijiet rurali fil-gżejjer Maltin, filwaqt li tgħinek tagħraf u tapprezza l-ambjent naturali. Wieħed jista’ jagħżel minn lista ta’ disa’ mixjiet u jsegwi r-rotta permezz tal-mappa. B’din l-applikazzjoni wieħed jista’ jiskopri l-postijiet ta’ interess li jsib matul il-mixja. Din l-applikazzjoni għandha l-faċilità li tista’ tieħu r-ritratti u tixxerjahom fuq il-facebook. Permezz tal-applikazzjoni wieħed jista’ wkoll jindika kemm għoġbitu l-mixja.

Malta Goes Rural(圖4)-速報App